About AAPL

Landman Scholarship Trust

Landman Scholarship Trust

The Landman Scholarship Trust was created and formed for educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 but only such purposes as also constitute educational purposes under the law of trusts for the State of Texas.

The LST awards cash scholarships to qualified and deserving undergraduate and graduate students from the colleges or universities that offer an active and accredited curriculum in natural resources management or similar studies who wish to further their training in professional landwork, natural resources management or associated occupations. The LST also awards cash contributions to colleges or universities that offer an active and accredited curriculum in natural resources management or similar programs to promote interest in such studies and for related student activities.

The Landman Scholarship Trust awards individual scholarships to students in varying amounts that can range from $2,500 up to $5,000 per scholarship.

This scholarship is intended for qualifying tuition and other related education expenses as defined by the Internal Revenue Service Code Section 117

Funds awarded from the Landman Scholarship Trust shall not be applied to expenses for a student’s room, board, travel or other nonqualifying expenses. If the student has no qualified tuition or other related education expenses due to other scholarships, etc., all LST funds shall be returned to AAPL. 

LST Bylaws

Apply to Serve on the LST

The Trust awards up to $250,000 annually to undergraduate and graduate students in AAPL’s accredited programs.

Apply for a Scholarship

To make a donation, please contact AAPL at (817) 847-7700 or donate using the link below. 

Donate to the LST